that window seat ...

Window seats ! My childhood was spent on fighting for window seats from my brother,cousins, friends and anybody else who came in between me and the window seat . It was a mysterious kind of lust that I had for it which slowly turned to love ... a downside-up change in the feeling-process I would say ... Somehow whenever I sat by the window I could clearly see the bigger picture - outside the window as well as inside my mind . It showed me how my views framed a perspective for a given situation and how sometimes I had to peep out of it to get my answers . When sometimes I was too burdened and repeated talks of it from people nearby only added on to it ,the window seat took my hand and showed me the outside world ... It showed me greater sufferings and at that point I had attained my momentary nirvana .... From how I see it , the window seat is only too fair , for some days it allows dust to form a daze around you and then one day it just allows the rain drops on your face to clear it...