lost ..

It all reduces down to that one moment where you lost out on all that you had ever gathered or considered yours. The havoc it creates inside you is best understood only by you. The aching of each of the muscles inside you ,the dryness in your throat where it actually wants to shout out but has just gone silent from all the air that rushed inside along with the shock. Any amount of being prepared for the worst ,still cant stop those tears that flow . You curse yourself for hoping for good,for expecting only roses. You enter into that worst possible kind of sadness where its tearing you piece by piece from the within and you have nobody around to lend a helping hand only because nobody can understand silence. You feel choked,bottled up from the within and that one venting door of yours also is gone. Gone forever or you just realize it was never yours and you have no other choice but to let go. Let go with a smile on your face. You don't understand what you regret the most - Not taki...