How unpredictable life is

I'm sure each of you daily experience some or the other thing which makes you sigh or wonder how unpredictable life is .So much that, when things go as per the plan or schedule it leaves you even more shocked. But you’d be happy when you know that nobody living/surviving/existing is an exception to this aspect of life. Especially when everyone happen to be part of this vicious social network which can make a celebrity or an outcast out of them in minutes. Leaving aside exceptions like Salman Khan or Jayalalitha who clearly are above the Law. Life certainly is unpredictable for the woman who was married off to a stranger early or at the “right age” according to society norms and now is a daily victim of marital rape. More so after the rejection of repeated pleas to criminalize marital rape. We in India,are so acclimatized to such crimes that we are just one step short from even declaring it a tradition. Life certainly turned unpredictable for the man who owns a c...