Jumme ki raat

It's Friday night and I had a horrible, long and tiring day at office.F inally, at 8.30pm after almost 12 straight hours of being at office and working for the day, when I got up, my slogging ass thanked me for releasing it off the pressure for a few minutes :D I expected the traffic to be better but who was I kidding? Bangalore Traffic! on a Friday night! Better?? *add a loud monstrous sarcastic evil laughter* MY FOOT!!! Riding back, thanks to the dark streets minus streetlights, as*****s who drive with high beam within city limits and potholes which are the size of a manhole, I had numerous moments where I thought today was the last day of my life on this wretched planet but guess the universe isn't done with me yet! Finally, after what seemed an hour of riding to cover a distance well within 10kms, I almost reached home if not for spotting a newly opened cafe. And suddenly, there was this beautiful thought inside my head to go on a date with myself!! I know right! That ...