
Showing posts from 2014

What's so civil about war anyway ?

When I first held him in my hands There was placenta & blood stuck to his hair strands Oh! how proud I was to become mother to a baby boy there was no bounds to my new found joy As he was growing up to be a tiny tot I narrated him stories of how for peace & freedom people fought I got him aeroplanes & swords to play for fun little did I know that one day he'd give up his pen to seriously hold a gun As all mothers I had dreamed that my son would become a big man & for society build a steeple but I never accounted that he could go on to head a group of terrorist people I had dreamt of seeing him famous someday & gave away our television after seeing him as a "wanted" that day .. When I first held him in my hands there was placenta and blood struck to his hair strands When I held him today for the last time there was blood stuck to his head along with a bad name There was once no bounds to my happiness for being blessed with a boy...

the wallflower in the corner

You know that feeling ? When you're just waiting. Waiting to get home, into your room, close the door, fall into your bed, and just let everything out that you kept in all day. That feeling of both relief and desperation. Nothing is wrong. But nothing is right either. And you're tired. Tired of everything, tired of nothing. And you just want someone to be there and tell you it's okay. But no one's going to be there. And you know you have to be strong for yourself, because no one can fix you. But you're tired of waiting. Tired of having to be the one to fix yourself and everyone else. Tired of being strong, And for once, you just want it to be easy. To be simple. To be helped. To be saved. But you know you won't be. But you're still hoping. And you're still wishing. And you're still staying strong and fighting, with tears in your eyes. You're fighting. -anonymous.

wings that never flapped ..

She never knew normal and she got things only great there were people around 24x7 attending to her every hassle or fret Some felt her feathers weren't of a nice shade & others said they weren't at right places While some discussed of how to increase her security by putting another lock covering her undesired  castle with more laces People told her of which time to sing and the tune she should hum like she could even produce sound from her throat that had long gone numb As she looked out of her window She saw the flying bird's shadow her face filled with envy and despair for that freedom was something she could trade all this unwanted care But quickly she put a brake to her giant thinking wheel lest they hear her thoughts too and try to seal (it) So meet the golden bird in a cage .. Or was it that she was just a normal bird with normal wants, put in a golden cage ??


It lingers on the tongue those words unspoken trying to connect atleast through eyes trying to give sound for the heart to speak the memory refreshes sitting by the river after so long lips smile while the eyes cry you remember of the time when it lingered on the tongue those words unspoken however hard you tried I sit by the river side watching the clouds above me slide watching my reflection in the water trying to recall the things that matter As those memories into the water fall from my mind ripples form ,separating the pond-skiiers entwined they again reflect of a time when I tried communicating through eyes a time when they fell on the eyes of a blind ...


In the moonlit night, he held her hand, moved so close to her that their inner demons almost could sway away waltzing. “ Have you experienced it?? ” He asked her. “ What? ” She asked, trying to compose her breath going out of control. “ The silence... The silence after your deepest wish gets fulfilled? The silence of rejection The silence of death The silence of reminiscence The silence of awe The silence of a loved one when he has travelled miles away from your thoughts The silence of exhaustion The silence of gratitude when someone understands you right when you need them to The silence just before giving up something for which you’ve fought all your life The silence just after the shrieking scream at delivery The silence after words fail to help you express The silence when you feel you are unknowingly submitting yourself to the labyrinth of silence.... ” After what felt like a lifetime, she replied- “ Maybe I am....experien...

as the leaves fall

They form a picturesque sight each time I look out of my window they are what give beauty even to a meadow just like us humans in so many ways each one differ from the other,standing unique under the sun's rays they are a poet's inspiration a thought in an artist's imagination blushing away as they canopy over lovers hypnotizing people as each member of its clan hovers Such variety of shapes and hues beautiful, whether fallen or adorned by dews So romantic to realize we breathe its air it changes seasons in the background from that of 'fall' to the season of care  They hide paths falling one over another inspiring discoverers to find one as they stand together Each one has its own tale to tell with their magic turning earth- heaven from hell


So yeah life is a li’l strange when you look at it The struggles you make just to make expectations meet The light rays look uneven, Perspectives differ person to person Why is it that an experience has to be bad to teach you a lesson? The keyhole still has a gap left in it Can your mind bear some more cynicism to it? The pressure cooker’s whistle blows off in the distant Random thoughts in an otherwise blank mind seems to be the latest constant. Your skin maybe white but your shadows remain black How much can you ponder when your character receives much flack? Do you feel tired from all the over thinking? Sleep is no solution for a person having an insomniac living... speculations, Analysis ,decisions an judgments those spoken harsh words,that, to the mind –torments The mind revolves in circles leaving you hazy And you seem to have lost your old self in a path,way too mazy...

lost ..

It all reduces down to that one moment where you lost out on all that you had ever gathered or considered yours. The havoc it creates inside you is best understood only by you. The aching of each of the muscles inside you ,the dryness in your throat where it actually wants to shout out but has just gone silent from all the air that rushed inside along with the shock. Any amount of being prepared for the worst ,still cant stop those tears that flow . You curse yourself for hoping for good,for expecting only roses. You enter into that worst possible kind of sadness where its tearing you piece by piece from the within and you have nobody around to lend a helping hand only because nobody can understand silence. You feel choked,bottled up from the within and that one venting door of yours also is gone. Gone forever or you just realize it was never yours and you have no other choice but to let go. Let go with a smile on your face. You don't understand what you regret the most - Not taki...

Hello February ! :)

There was freshness all around There was happiness in every music and sound It was the season that brought love It spread smiles without any particular reason and I wonder how ! There was something very mysterious about it, It was just perfect even with little flaws in it Just spelling out the name brought in the blush of a strawberry Yes ... Finally it was February !! :) P.S : This is dedicated to February, a month I've always loved better than the others. A month which has usually bought in lots and lots of joy and love to numerous people spread in different patterns across this whole wide world !. A month which is as pure as its name translates to and as fresh as the viola which represents it. P.P.S : And I don't say this just because my birth date happens to fall in the same month !!

irony tales

#1 > Chess was a game she never understood and found it rather boring. Today after getting the pink slip for no reason,she had understood the movements of a pawn.. #2> All her life, she hated eating vegetables. Now,after the accident ,the doctors declared that she had slipped to being a vegetable herself .. #3> She was a model and day dreamt of being a super star soon. She lost the pageant when she failed to answer -" which is the brightest star in our galaxy?" ... #4> He was so into her,lusted for her and was attracted to her sleek figure. He couldnt wait to have her in his life and sweared to never leave her . There was no bounds to his joy when finally the Flipkart guy delivered him his iPhone.