Red Wedding

The "Red Wedding" episode was one of the most crucial episodes of the Game Of Thrones series and a gory one at that. However, my topic of interest isn't that, yet, the Red Wedding I am going to talk about is equally gory and important. Today, 28th of May is being observed as Menstrual Hygiene Day. Initiated by WASH United in 2014, Menstrual Hygiene Day (MHD) builds awareness of the fundamental role that good menstrual hygiene management plays in helping women and girls reach their full potential. To begin with, let us first understand what menstruation is. Menstruation is a monthly shedding of a female's uteral lining; it lasts about 3 to 5 days (average) and contains blood and tissue that exits her body through the cervix and vagina. The average age for a girl to get her first period is between 12 and 15, but, given today's lifestyle, it has reduced to an age as young as 8. Why this day in particular? The menstruation cycle in an average case repeat...