Fleur De La Coeur

The pandemic got me trying out many new things. Some, because I had more time on my hands, some, because it was long pending, some, to manage the growing stress within me, some, because it just was pure joy and some, a result of all the above. One such habit was buying flowers for myself and setting up my vase. The way this habit formed is rather interesting. At one point in the pandemic, due to multiple lockdowns and restrictions around, I had stopped moving my limbs enough and the impact of it on my health was huge and so, when restrictions were eased out, I started taking any opportunity I had to just walk around. I realised that the few minutes I walked also helped my mind stay away from negative thoughts which had piled up as a result of a stagnant life and environment. On one such walks of mine, even after walking for a few rounds, the mind hadn't fully settled. I tried to take a different and longer route to just see if throwing many more objects and senses to register would...