Light a diya :)

Can you relate with me when I say "there are some things which you love and hate at the same time " ..?? [For more reference to what I'm trying to tell you can listen to "I hate you (like I love you) from Delhi Belly :p " ]. Now coming to the main point as to why i'm telling this , It's the colourful part of the year again and here comes Deepavali looking as grand and beautiful as it always is . But this is one festival which I like and dislike at the same time . Well I absolutely and obviously love it to the extent that it overshadows the few points for which I don't like it .. but like you never miss to observe a pimple even if its hiding in one corner of an otherwise beautiful face, you cannot ignore these few points. Deepavali ,the festival of lights, fireworks, vibrancy, sweets, new clothes, new deals, delicacies, smiles, laughter, happiness. It is the only time when 'flowerpots' are not just brown in colour ,the time when 'sn...