Aromas of life

Well a weird thing happened today ,my dearest kid bro FRODO (specifically speaking my dog ),kept investigating the entire house for something which he till now hasn't found !!! He kept smelling every nook and corner of the house following some particular odour or in search of something which he didn't tell me :P ! Looking him on his mission made me think about which would be those odours be ,which my nasal cavity would treat as a delight ! You will have to agree with me when i say each of us associate many things or people primarily with their characteristic odours and remembering them would be through how they smell . So here are the top few odours which i have finalised are special to me and the feeling they evoke in me ... * the smell of mud/earth washed by the rains : this instills in me a strange happiness and i just feel connected with nature .Some sort of divine feeling .... * the smell of my hair after conditioning it specifically by DOVE conditioner : th...