make or break ?

In this fast paced world ,this is something we hear more than often -the "make or break situation" . From trying to get into a good college to landing good projects at a work place. In fact it all starts from a period before our birth ..from that 1 sperm out of many which battles its way into our 'making' !! But what saddens me is that we are so adapted to it that we are now capable of only the extremes . We just cannot handle the average or mediocre or simplicity in anything . We make it worse by applying the same rule to even relations . There is a beautiful old saying that is there to show us the difference in impacts of choosing the extremes : it says "If our nails grow long then we just cut the nails and not our entire finger or hand" . Why can't we act accordingly? If there are misunderstandings in a relation then we need to cut our ego and not the entire relation itself ! We are now becoming capable of being someone's best friend or th...