red . orange . green
The growing traffic in the otherwise beautiful city of Bangalore ,can take a toll on most of the already stressed people out there. Today I had a long drive to reach to some place and as usual got stuck in almost all the traffic points considering my luck is extremely favourable to me !!!! At the beginning i was very irked and acting too impatient ,but as i proceeded i started noticing one thing ,that traffic jams can actually be a nice place to dedicate to yourself some"me-time" or on some of the important issues of your life which needs your time and patient analysing. The hyper horns blowing your ears off can be considered as warning signals for the issues you've neglected. So today's traffic proved to be a blessing in disguise for me. I had ample time to analyse my recent behaviour/attitude changes .I had time to differentiate between the good and not-so-good decisions i had recently taken. I had time to think of ways/solutions to certain petty problems. I...