"THERE'S CALM AFTER THE STORM" .. umm .. really ???

sending ..... sending ..... sending .....sending failed. unable to send . Notice :" Dear customer, you have sent 5 SMS today.As per instructions from the Government Regulatory ,only 5 SMS can be sent per day ". Now all of us " tech-savvy " people or in simple words the mobile addicts already experienced this situation in just a day's matter and it took this extreme step by the government to curb a situation which was well in their hands and a step so extreme for even the rather un-interested and ignorant public to sit up and take a look at the matter carefully !! Till a few days back ,calling the North Eastern fellow Indians as "Chinks" or "Minks" and believing them to be of China,Japan , Korea or any other nation except India was the biggest badgering done to them ,but the recent violence which crossed its borders to even physical violence ,that too done to them in their own homeland is an event which will go down in the...