It always comes as a pang
The happy memories
Carefully filtered from the sad ones
Just enough to leave you gasping
No matter how careful you are in hiding it
Or how deep you think you’ve pushed it
It resurfaces,
It has to.
Your body covered in sweat
Cannot distinguish what is from what was
And while the dripping sweat reduces your skin temperature
It cannot touch the burning heat within
Closing the eyes
only makes you see clearer into the past
Opening it
makes you feel like you’ve lost your sense of direction
How can your own mind play games on you?
Such a deceit
Making you believe you had it all
Making you believe you’ve lost it all
Making you believe you can still have it all
How did people communicate when there was no internet?
No phones.
No pigeons.
And no legs to walk or mouth to speak?
Tell me how for I need it now
Tell me how for I need to reach somewhere
Tell me how for I need to race with time
Tell me how, if you agree with my poem, sublime..
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