the girl who lived down the lane

She took the mighty pen in her delicate hands passing it between her fingers.
Her eyes gazed upon the distant moon as her brain mills were working at lightning speed.

In her unconscious state of mind she kept travelling the perimeter of her soft lips with the tip of her pen.
It was hard for her to decide if words were to her, lust or love ?

Chancing upon new ideas were orgasmic to her,
while penning them down was pure joy.

The smell of books aroused feelings in her than
 a man with his body drowned in perfume.

She was the girl unknown to the world,unnoticed by the world ,
unrecognized by people who only recognized that face given to her outer body.

She was the mystery unsolved,
the love child of ideas,letters,words and punctuation s ..
a place where she belonged.


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