Zinged !

Have you ever raised your head while travelling to see who your co-passenger on this journey is ?
Have you ever taken a minute to smile at a stranger on the road instead ?? [I know its too much to ask for, in a place like India where the road is filled with harum-scarum s who would wait for that one smile from you to go overboard with you !!]
Have you ever wondered why you meet certain people at certain points of your life and how it is that you were destined to meet them alone out of the zillion others in this world ??
Have you realized that each passer-by is living a life as vivid as yours, as or more complex and interesting as you think your life is ,surrounded by a set of people that were chosen only to be part of his life and not yours !
Have you realized that in spite of  it all you are still connected to each one in this planet through nested chains and stronger connections ,some invisible perhaps for future activation ?
Have you understood the simple fact that at the end of the day all of us are walking to the same destination even though we have taken different paths ??
Have you realized how tiny we are in this Brobdingnagian circuit of the universe and felt happy instead of low ??
Stay amazed.
Stay star struck .
Watch out for the next person you cross paths with because he/she could be someone who would completely flip and change your life around ! :)


  1. Star stuck and zinged thats how life should be :) nicely written chuchammmeeees :)


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