
Showing posts from 2011

Aromas of life

Well a weird thing happened today ,my dearest kid bro FRODO (specifically speaking my dog ),kept investigating the entire house for something which he till now hasn't found !!! He kept smelling every nook and corner of the house following some particular odour or in search of something which he didn't tell me :P !     Looking him on his mission made me think about which would be those odours be ,which my nasal cavity would treat as a delight ! You will have to agree with me when i say each of us associate many things or people primarily with their characteristic odours and remembering them would be through how they smell . So here are the top few odours which i have finalised are special to me and the feeling they evoke in me ... * the smell of mud/earth washed by the rains : this instills in me a strange happiness and i just feel connected with nature .Some sort of divine feeling .... * the smell of my hair after conditioning it specifically by DOVE conditioner : th...

my thoughts and your thoughts ...... how they play together !!

It was a winter morning and though fully awake siya was in no mood to get out of her bed and so she just closed her eyes listening Evanescence sing "bring me back to life" intently when his name flashed on her mobile screen. For a minute her mind went blank . Slowly its database started working again and she had a collection of things in her head's platter from his voice to how he looked to more detailed things like the way his chocolate brown eyes wrinkled when he smiled ,the way he wore his shirt loosely to the way he ran his fingers around his dark hair which he did in a flawless and stylish way ... Their story was a strange one or we can say they never had a story as such ,but, they knew each other in college and somewhere in the middle were in a situation where they didn't want to acknowledge that they knew each other .And as they moved out of college they eventually lost contact going about their mundane lives... Now coming back ,after an year or so she r...

Light a diya :)

Can you relate with me when I say "there are some things which you love and hate at the same time " ..?? [For more reference to what I'm trying to tell you can listen to "I hate you (like I love you) from Delhi Belly :p " ]. Now coming to the main point as to why i'm telling this , It's the colourful part of the year again and here comes Deepavali looking as grand and beautiful as it always is . But this is one festival which I like and dislike at the same time . Well I absolutely and obviously love it to the extent that it overshadows the few points for which I don't like it .. but like you never miss to observe a pimple even if its hiding in one corner of an otherwise beautiful face, you cannot ignore these few points. Deepavali ,the festival of lights, fireworks, vibrancy, sweets, new clothes, new deals, delicacies,  smiles, laughter, happiness. It is the only time when 'flowerpots' are not just brown in colour ,the time when 'sn...

Nothing is permanent !

Just as you feel you've missed the train , there's someone ,for you ,who will pull the chain Just when you give up wanting things new there's a star that falls to make your wishes come true Just when you thought the only option left is death there's a newborn baby enjoying its first small breath Just when you put LOVE to the 'extincted' list theres a puppy gazing at you lovingly,licking and easing your clenched fist Just when you feel that days have lost its charm theres a night with full moon bringing you back to calm Just as you feel nature has messed up its order there's a line of ants moving around you,greeting each other Just when you feel you are devoid of human emotions the technology itself brings back the i"TOUCH"s' promotions Just when you feel you are left with nobody to share your feelings or pity you find yourself praying before "every body's compan...

Of acquaintances and encounters..

How many of you have actually taken a night walk ?? How many of you have slept on your back watching the intense blue night sky counting the infinite stars and  thinking that stars were actually holes in the floors of sky leaking out light !! ?? :) Well, now this may sound very very filmy and cliched, but, if you are one among the unlucky persons who has never tried this then let me tell you that you have actually missed out on something I cannot even express !!! The very word 'NIGHT' is special to me and unlike most of the people (who make up almost the entire population maybe!) , I actually fantasize darkness and am in love with nights !! My New Year begins at 12 sharp in the night ,the same hour which has seen most of my birthday cakes . I've always preferred  nights to pen down all my memories into my diary , I prefer nights again , to read back into those flashbacks , to have those vulnerable talks, cry out my disappointments ,to find new beginnings ....( Now a...

In the DARK i hope to find solace !!

This is a fictional piece of the non-fiction and one of the darkest truths of our history .This is just an interpretation of the few thoughts a li'l girl might have had , in one of her days at the Dachau(concentration) camp ....  I open my eyes to find myself chained I know not of the season outside, whether its hot or it just rained ! my hands are tied , my legs are tied  & I find before me the dead corpse of the man who few hours before , had tried ..... Few months back my life was happy I had the luxury to sleep on my mom's lappy and all of a sudden it all changed like the chaos in a beehive & I shudder to even think of the fact that my mom and dad may now not be alive ... I'm daily thinking of the same thing when i hear the siren go loud The burning hot gases are left to feed on my skin and i cannot see a thing when it forms a cloud And slowly through all that pain ,i find myself drifting to sleep and in that trance can hear daddy sing t...

Nothing would be as special as it is if it did'nt include you ..

Those first steps i took holding your hand the support you gave to make me stand the falls i had while trying and trying the way you hugged me when i ended up crying   From that big bright book ,i uttered my first few words 'A' for apple and 'B' for birds  but the maximum happiness i had was to repeat to u ' D' for DAD ... :)   Everyday to school,i had a wonderful journey with you where we chatted throughout the way on all & sundry,                                    that i looked good in pink and you in blue  that way along with you even life's journey has become a jolly smooth ride jumping through the humps in between ,you guide us to continue with our stride Even the 1st prize in a spelling competition doesn't make me happy , if for it ,i don't get your smil...

To Remember Me

well i came across this beautiful article by ROBERT N. TEST and felt I should share it with u ....... The day will come when my body will lie upon a white sheet neatly tucked under four corners of a mattress located in a hospital; busily occupied with the living and the dying .At a certain moment a doctor will determine that my brain has ceased to function and that,for all intents and purposes ,my life has stopped .   When that happens, do not attempt to instil artificial life into my body by the use of a machine .And don't call this my deathbed .Let it be called the bed of life, and let my body be taken from it to help others lead fuller lives . Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise , a baby's face or love in the eyes of a woman . Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain . Give my blood to the teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car ,so that he might live to see his grandchildren play . Give m...

like a kite fluttering in the skies

There are times when things seem so bright & other times when nothing feels right  when your soul feels drained ,there's no glee and you know its no use waiting for the sunrise ,when sunset it was meant to be ......... You start searching answers for why things went wrong  & you have no other companion other than the same old song .. when the smile seems to fade , all you're surrounded by are scorns & you no longer want to dream of rose petals for you're already numb from the pricking thorns ...... And you feel all lost even when fully awake  now even though you tread the same old path ,your mind seems conflicted for which way to take ...... you remember of the time when you felt on top of the world like a true princess  , & now just embrace the hollow and feel there's something even in the emptiness .......... When you're all bruised from the harsh blows and there's no sense of peace when on your face cool water flows , wh...